PR Study: Safety Engineered Device Usage and Activation in 6 Hospitals

We all understand the need for Safety Engineered Devices (SEDs) in the clinical setting - but what good are they if each one is not activated properly?

PR Study: Exposure Injury Reduction Strategies

In this study, discover the four common themes that are proven to help reduce the exposure to injuries in a clinical setting. Implementing these strategies can help protect your staff.

The Pyramid Effect in Sharps Containers

The Pyramid Effect in Sharps Containers

Sharpsmart Walks 500 Miles for the NHS

Sharpsmart Walks 500 Miles for the NHS


To raise money for NHS Charities Together and show our support for our NHS heroes, our team walked 500 miles - and then some!


Sharpsmart and NHS Nightingale partner for healthcare waste services

Sharpsmart and NHS Nightingale partner for healthcare waste services

Picture by Andrew Parsons / No 10 Downing StreetStreet

Pharmacy Clean Room

Trustworthy Facts on COVID-19 Waste Handling

Trustworthy Facts on COVID-19 Waste Handling

Updated Mar 13, 2020

Note 1. The situation is changing daily and readers should use hyperlinks for the most recent updates.

Don't be basic - go reusable

Don't be basic - go reusable

Case Study: Reducing over 50 tons of sharps container waste

Case Study: Reducing over 50 tons of sharps container waste

Clinical Waste Considerations for GPs

Clinical Waste Considerations for GPs