Durable Solutions for Needle Exchange

Designed to protect users, prevent misuse, and ensure public safety, Sharpsmart’s range of public-access sharps solutions are designed for injury prevention, durability and security.

Needle Exchange Solutions

Safe and Reliable Sharps Exchange Services

With over 30 years’ experience in healthcare, Sharpsmart offers the safest sharps disposal products and solutions for needle exchange services. With products designed to securely protect the public from unnecessary exposure to used sharps, and services carried out by experienced technicians, Sharpsmart puts public safety first.

When we talk about sharps disposal, we’re on our A-Game!

Local Authorities across the UK utilise a network of pharmacies, and occasionally GPs, to provide safe needle exchange services to the public. These services provide sterile injecting equipment and a safe disposal site to prevent the spread of infection or risk of injury. Sharpsmart can provide innovative and safe reusable sharps containers for collection and servicing of sharps waste whilst complying with HTM 07-01, EPR 5.07 and the carriage of dangerous goods (ADR) regulations.


You may be wondering how our process with needle exchange services work – it’s pretty simple! We start by understanding how your specific needle exchange service operates, and from there, we develop a full solution plan combining product, service, and training that meets your facility’s needs and service frequency. We can offer two options for Needle Exchange Centers which can be exchanged at a frequency suitable to your facility:

  • Our industry-leading 14, 22 and 32Litre Sharpsmart reusable sharps containment system
  • 1-4Litre Single use needle containers

We know that needle exchange is a high-risk waste stream that is highly regulated, and we want to protect you with the safest options. The Sharpsmart reusable sharps container is clinically-designed and proven to be the safest sharps container on the market. Not only does this container minimise risk of infection and reduce single-use plastics going to landfill, it is also in compliance with ISO 23907 regarding sharps injury prevention. The Sharpsmart container is designed with impenetrable plastic, a leakproof seal, and both temporary and permanent locks. When it comes to needle exchange services – choose Sharpsmart for our radically safe innovation and service

In addition to our sharps management service, we work work you to create a bespoke blended-learning education package designed to drive compliance, segregation and cost outcomes; an act of service that sets us apart from other waste management companies.

Solutions Available For…









When the safety of the public needs to be front of mind

Public sharps disposal is often a taboo subject, particularly when disposal units are located in areas that are frequented by children and families. At Sharpsmart, our approach whether in hospitals, care clinics or public spaces, is to put public safety at the forefront of our solutions. Sharpsmart’s public sharps containment systems are designed to eliminate exposure to used sharps through impenetrable design, safe mounting height monitoring, and reliable service scheduling.

Let’s Talk!

Your time is valuable, and we don’t want to play hard to get. You can either phone us directly on the details listed on our contact page, or feel free to fill out this short form and one of our team members will get back to you as quickly as possible.