Sustainably-Driven WEEE Waste Solutions

Optimising recycling potential and minimising risk of fines in the disposal and treatment of electronic waste, Sharpsmart partners with all sized facilities to design sustainable cradle to grave solutions for WEEE waste

WEEE Waste Disposal

Simple and compliant electronic waste solutions.

A relatively new waste stream, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) waste promotes compliant segregation, transport, recovery and disposal of electric and electronic items.

WEEE waste is easily identifiable as anything with a plug or a battery. Our team will prioritise your compliance needs by helping you navigate the WEEE Regulations of 2013 which provide clear outline that failure to comply with the WEEE waste regulations may result in a fine. Whether you are a hospital, a GP, or private health practice, you will have electronic waste that must be disposed of properly with a trusted total waste management partner.

Each personalised plan with our customers begins with an onsite audit that results in a catalogue of all electrical items. We know how daunting managing some waste streams can be, so we want to assist in any way possible. From there we walk you through the process of packaging, disposal, and everything in between, as well as assessing rebate potential for electronic equipment. Like all waste streams that Sharpsmart manages, our commitment is to utilise the most environmental processing and treatment methods attainable and, where possible, recycling. By utilising sustainable methods, laptops and devices can be re-used rather than being disposed of, with each piece of equipment processed through specialist software to guarantee data destruction. Through our secure transport and waste processing, we deliver complete traceability and accountability of any collections and consignments, so your records are preserved.

What we can deliver in WEEE waste management:

  • Significant cost savings
  • Improved compliance, avoidance of fines and realisation of all applicable rebates
  • Guarantee of irretrievability and certificates of destruction
  • Battery boxes, WEEE boxes and large collection bins

Examples of what we manage

  • Radiotherapy Equipment

  • X-Ray Machines

  • Amalgam Separators

  • BP Sphygmomanometers

  • Autoclaves

  • Printers

  • Computer Equipment

  • Microwaves

  • Screens + Televisions

  • Fridges

Let’s Talk!

Your time is valuable, and we don’t want to play hard to get. You can either phone us directly on the details listed on our contact page, or feel free to fill out this short form and one of our team members will get back to you as quickly as possible.