Waste Segregation and Your Route to Net Zero

Educate staff on best practices to ensure the correct classification and disposal of waste to avoid overtreatment.

Achieve Your Facility’s Net Zero Objectives

Drive carbon reductions and your route to net zero through:

  • Optimised Waste Management
  • Improved Staff Expertise
  • Bespoke and Right Fit Solutions

A Strategy for a Greener Future in Healthcare

Are you looking for strategies to reduce your organisation’s carbon footprint?

Waste segregation is an effective strategy – it involves educating staff on best practices to ensure the correct classification and disposal of waste to avoid overtreatment.

But how can you optimise your waste management processes?

Here are some tips:

  • Encourage waste segregation to begin at the point of generation.
  • Educate all staff on waste disposal best practices.
  • Segregate waste in line with the 20-20-60 waste split.

NHS England recommends a 20-20-60 split of healthcare waste treatment: 20% high-temp incineration, 20% alternative treatment, and 60% offensive waste converted to energy.

By introducing a bespoke waste segregation strategy, you’ll contribute to a healthier, greener future for us all. So why wait?

Get in touch for help navigating your route to Net Zero and making the most of waste segregation strategies today!


    Maximise your efficiency with solutions optimised for the waste you’re generating, ensuring your waste goes into the right bin and to the most sustainable outlet.


    A consultancy approach to waste management provides staff with the training and educational material necessary to execute your strategies in compliance with regulations.


    A comprehensive site-wide audit is the best way to tailor waste management strategies that meet the specific needs of your facility before introducing solutions and targets.

Bag to Bed – An Example of Waste Segregation

Let’s use the Sharpsmart Bag-to-Bed system which provides point-of-care disposal solutions alongside a blended learning programme that drives staff efficiency as an example:

Staff at Liverpool Women’s Hospital had limited education on waste segregation techniques and no disposal methods were in place to ensure the Trust was following the waste hierarchy.

Within 6 months of introducing the Bag-to-Bed system, the 1,410-strong team were diverting 40% of their waste from clinical to offensive streams – delivering a 45% cost saving. The Trust was also able to annually:

  • Reduce 56 tonnes of CO₂e.
  • Divert 10 tonnes of plastic from incineration.
  • Save 10% on sharps management costs.

The Compliant Approach to Net Zero

Sustainable waste management requires correct waste segregation to work – it’s a strategy that can help healthcare organisations reach Net Zero.

We work with teams within the four walls of the healthcare environment and use innovative solutions including blended learning to improve staff expertise around compliance with minimal behavioural change.

We’re here to help you navigate Net Zero.