Knowledge Centre

Knowledge Centre

As a clinical partner, we want to empower you to provide a safer environment for your staff, greater waste segregation outcomes for lower environmental impact, and a more efficient workflow. To do this, we have compiled some of our best resources to help you achieve safety in sharps handling and optimised clinical waste management within your facility. 

10 Examples of Clinical Waste

How do you know if waste is clinical or non-clinical? Does it matter if you get it wr...

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Aligning With the NHS Net Zero Supplier Framework

Aligning with the NHS Net Zero Supplier Framework is crucial for a greener healthcare...

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The Life Journey of Our Reusable Sharps Containers

Where do reusable sharps containers come from? What happens to them when they’re fini...

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Expert Tips for Hospitals on the Route to Net Zero

The route to Net Zero is paved with green intentions… or something like that. We’ve s...

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Importance of Hospital Waste Management

A quick guide to healthcare waste considerations for hospitals.

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A Guide to Understanding Healthcare Waste

Healthcare waste and clinical waste are the same thing, right? Anyway, isn’t all hosp...

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Our Carbon Reduction Plan

Sharpsmart’s commitment to sustainability is nothing new. When it comes to sustainabl...

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Why Should You Report A Needlestick Injury?

The time following a sharps injury can be distressing, uncertain, and emotionally dra...

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