A New Normal in Hands-Free Clinical Disposal

Did you know that clinical and infectious healthcare waste is sometimes handled up to 8 times during the disposal process?! If you ask us, that’s 7 times too many. Unnecessary handling of clinical waste is a key factor in infection risk – and one that our team are working to eliminate. Learn how our bagless and hands-free Clinical waste container, the Clinismart, can impact your clinical hygiene.
5 Key Features of the Clinismart:
01 / Hands-free disposal through a foot-pedal opening
02 / No bags, liners, or boxes
03 / Dual waste segregation abilities
05 / Robotic container washing
Hands-free disposal through a foot-pedal opening
If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that we need to be more mindful of how our surface touches can spread infection. Using a foot-pedal opening mechanism and bagless system means hand contact with the bin or waste container is no longer required. This no-touch alternative results in a dramatic reduction in the infection transfer risk that currently exists using standard clinical waste collectors. The Clinismart eliminates the need for manual clinical waste handling.
No bags, liners, or boxes
The Clinismart does not require bags or secondary packaging and can be securely locked when full, thereby reducing labour, cross-contamination and waste handling risks. Did you know the total number of touches when a healthcare worker is hand-tying a bag is up to 8 times?!
In designing the Clinismart, we not only wanted a bagless system that reduced infection risk but reduced environmental burden too. The elimination of plastic liners and cardboard boxes and reduces the volume of plastic waste going to landfill.
Dual Waste Segregation
Sharpsmart Accessmart trolley enables the effective segregation of both soft and sharp clinical waste. With hands-free operation and easy manoeuvreability, the Accessmart enables the Clinismart to be positioned in optimum use areas, whilst ensuring all sharps are safely disposed of at the point of care.
Benefits of dual waste segregation:
- Simple, point-of-use disposal of RMW and sharps waste minimises the risk of injury or infection during the disposal process.
- Dual segregation, by nature, ensures you have the right container in the right place for when you need it.
- Strengthening infection control! When you mount the Sharpsmart Clinismart and Sharpsmart container on our mobile Accessmart Cart, you allow the removal of clinical waste from the patient environment.

Soft-Lid Closure
Sharpsmart’ accessories are designed to automate secure soft-sound closure of the container lid once the foot-pedal is released, no-touch required, no odours or unsightly waste in full view! This quiet closure also increases efforts to reduce patient interruptions.
Robotic container washing
If you are currently using something like a static kick-bin, do you know the last time it was cleaned? Do you know the cleaning regime of any of the static clinical waste containers throughout your facility? With the Clinismart, you don’t have to – cleaning is built into the Sharpsmart process.
Once full, the Clinismart is transported to a Sharpsmart facility and undergoes an 8-step washing process with a level of decontamination 4 times higher than required by the CDC, eliminating dirt residue and contaminants.
Learn about the entire Clinismart container journey
Sometimes looks DO matter…
The clinical appearance of the Clinismart container dissuades staff and patients from misappropriating its use for general waste disposal. The visual queue that the Clinismart is clearly for clinical waste, not coffee cups, helps reduce infectious waste volumes and lowers costs significantly with improved waste segregation. Note the compact design and transportation accessories of the system that dramatically reduce the workload of environmental services staff.
So not only does the Clinismart look good, it feels good to use in your healthcare waste management strategy. The efficacy of using the Clinismart can be seen in our peer-reviewed studies of the system.
The Impact of the Clinismart on a 360-bed acute care facility:
360-bed Acute Care private hospital found their use of a 240Litre bin posed issues with infection and staff injury risk, logistics, waste volumes, space and cost, and was not compliant with regulatory guidelines. A 3-year study examined the impact of transitioning from their 240 Litre bin to our 64 Litre Clinismart.
The results:
- Clinical Waste mass reduction of 53.2%
- Clinical Waste volume reduction of 65.2%
- Labour cost reduction associated with logistics in handling waste of 69.2%
- Clinical waste disposal cost reduction of 30.9%
- Minimised infection potential and sharps injury risk
- Efficiencies in space and waste movement gained
- Improved waste segregation
The Clinismart is the ideal regulated clinical waste container for:
- Hospital Units
- Surgery Centers
- General Practice Rooms
- Laboratories
- Veterinary Clinics
- Dialysis Clinics
Can you risk using a system not designed for infection control?
With over 20 years of experience, Sharpsmart has proven the impact of a clinically-designed solution on healthcare waste management safety.
Actively protecting against infection risk, minimising environmental burden, and removing a potential source of pathogen transfer in healthcare facilities, the Clinismart system offers unparalleled safety and compliance for NHS hospitals and smaller non-acute patient care facilities. To chat further and see if the Clinismart system is right for your facility’s needs, contact us today.
Let's Talk!
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